Steinberg groups for Jordan pairs

We announce results on classical groups and Steinberg groups over arbitrary rings from the point of view of Jordan theory. This provides a unifying framework, avoiding case-by-case arguments, for the linear elementary groups, the unitary elementary groups. Starting from a Jordan pair V graded by a 3-graded root system we show that the projective elementary group PE(V) has commutator relations in the sense of J. R. Faulkner. Since our root systems are allowed to be infinite but locally finite, we are able to deal with the infinite elementary groups and Steinberg groups directly, that is, without having to pass to the limit. To PE(V) we associate a Steinberg group St(V), following the method of J. Tits for Kac-Moody groups. Our main result concerns the case where the root system is irreducible of infinite rank and asserts that St(V) is the universal central extension of PE(V).

O. Loos < >

E. Neher < >