Prime (-1,1) and Jordan monsters and superalgebras of vector type

It is proved that the prime degenerate (-1,1) algebra constructed in [13] (the (-1,1)-monster) generates the same variety of algebras as the Grassman (-1,1)-algebra. Moreover, the same variety is generated by the Grassmann envelope of any simple nonassociative (-1,1)-superalgebra. The variety occurs to be the smallest variety of (-1,1)-algebras that contains prime nonassociative algebras.

Similar results are obtained for Jordan algebras. Thus, the Jordan monster (the prime degenerate algebra constructed in [13]) and the Grassmann envelope of the prime Jordan superalgebra of vector type have the same ideals of identities. It is also shown that the Jordan monster generates a minimal variety that contains prime degenerate Jordan algebras.

All the algebras and superalgebras are considered over a field of characteristic zero.

S. V. Pchelintsev < --- >

I.P. Shestakov < >