Derivations and automorphisms of Jordan algebras in characteristic two

A Jordan algebra J over a field k of characteristic 2 becomes a restricted Lie algebra L(J) with Lie product given by the circle product and squaring operation the usual square in J. We determine the precise ideal structure of L(J) in case J is simple finite-dimensional and k is algebraically closed. We also decide which of these algebras have smooth automorphism groups. Finally, we study the case where J is a reduced Albert algebra (3 by 3 hermitian matrices over a Cayley algebra over k with diagonal coefficients in k) and show that Der(J) has a unique proper nonzero ideal V_J, isomorphic to L(J)/k.1, with quotient Der(J)/V_J independent of the Cayley algebra. On the group level, this gives rise to a special isogeny between the automorphism group of J and that of the split Albert algebra, whose kernel is the infinitesimal group determined by V_J.

(Corrected version 26 Oct 2004, to appear in J. Algebra)

P. Alberca < >

O. Loos < >

C. Martín < >