Clifford elements in Lie algebras

Let L be a Lie algebra over a field F of characteristic zero or p > 3. An element c in L is called Clifford if adc3 = 0 and its associated Jordan algebra Lc is the Jordan algebra F + X defined by a symmetric bilinear form on a vector space X over F. Roughly speaking, we prove in this note that c is a Clifford element if and only if there exists a centrally closed prime ring R with involution * such that c belongs to Sk(R,*), the skew elements of R with respect to *, c3 = 0, c2 ≠ 0 and c2 k c = c k c2 for all k in Sk(R,*).

(This paper has appeared in Journal of Lie Theory, vol. 27 (2017), 283-296)

J. Brox < >

A. Fernández López < >

M. Gómez Lozano < >