Instructions for authors
Authors are welcome to submit preprints in Jordan theory
(Jordan algebras, pairs and triple systems) and related areas
to the archives. The preprints may be in DVI (.dvi), PDF (.pdf), or
PostScript (.ps) format.
Here is the procedure.
Prepare a file named 'info' containing basic information
about the paper in the following plain ASCII format.
Author: P. J. Author, J. V. N. Author, E. W. Author
Title: On the speciality of the Albert algebra
Abstract: In this paper we prove that the Albert algebra is
rather special. Our methods involve a generalization of the
quantum mechanical formalism in Hilbert spaces over the field
F<sub>2</sub> with two elements.
As a corollary, we show that the Albert algebra is, in
fact, so special that it deserves to be called exceptional.
The Author, Title, and Email fields are
required information. Please separate multiple author names
and Email addresses by commas.
The Abstract field should contain an abstract of the
paper, together with any auxiliary information about handling
the files. Please DO NOT USE TeX codes such as dollar signs
in the abstract, since net browsers do not (yet) know how to
deal with them. You may mark up the Abstract with HTML
commands, as in the HTML specification.
For example, the abstract may contain multiple paragraphs,
separated by the symbol <P>, and text in italics or boldface is
produced by enclosing it between <i> ... </i> or <b> ... </b>.
Each of the possible formats for your preprint has its specific
advantages and disadvantages.
- Advantages: The files are small, and may be created by any TeX
installation, even if it is not the newest version.
- Disadvantages: Despite the name, the files are not entirely
device-independent. They require a TeX-installation at the site of the
reader which contains all the fonts specified in the DVI-file. Therefore,
please use only the basic Computer
Modern and AMS-TeX fonts at standard point sizes. Even the Times
Roman fonts (ptmr) are not available on many machines.
Also, illustrations cannot be transmitted in a DVI-file,
so if your preprint contains figures, you have to use a different format.
- Advantages: These files are relatively small and can contain
non-standard fonts (provided they are embedded into the document) and also
arbitrary figures. They can be viewed and printed with
the freely available application Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Disadvantages: For creating a PDF-file from a DVI-file, one needs
either the commercial software Adobe Acrobat Distiller (expensive) or
Ghostscript. So far, PDF-files generated by Ghostscript are much too big
and not of good quality.
A third possibility is bypassing the DVI-file entirely and using pdftex or
pdflatex, generally available in up-to-date TeX installations on Unix
machines. So far, this option is not available for Textures on Macintosh
computers, but this may (and hopefully will) change in the future.
- Postscript
- Advantages: As with PDF, one is not restricted
in the choice of fonts or figures. (PDF is just a compressed and
optimized version of PostScript).
- Disadvantages: The files tend to be large; as a rule of thumb, five times
as big as a DVI file. Viewing them on screen requires Ghostscript; a TeX
installation like Textures is no help. Printing them requires usually a PostScript
printer. There are often difficulties in printing due to a specification
of paper size in the PostScript file which may not be available; e.g.,
when American paper (letter) is specified but European paper (A4) is
in the printer, or vice versa. Therefore, be sure not to specify the paper
size when creating PostScript files for uploading.
All in all, it looks like PDF is the way of the future.
Long works may be separated into several parts to
facilitate viewing over the network. These files should be
named so that alphabetic ordering
of the file names provides the natural order for viewing.
When your paper is ultimately published we would greatly
appreciate being informed. At that time we will remove the
preprint and leave a pointer to the journal in which it was
published, or leave the preprint in the archive, depending on
your preference. You may of course also withdraw the preprint
at any time, by simply instructing me in an email to do so.
Ottmar Loos <>
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