Contractively complemented subspaces of pre-symmetric spaces
We widen significantly the scope of results of Douglas (1965,
bounded measurable functions), Arazy-Friedman (1977, bounded operators on
Hilbert space) and Kirchberg (1993, von Neumann algebras) by showing that
if a subspace X of the predual of a JBW*-triple A is isometric to the
predual of another JBW*-triple B, then there is a contractive projection
on the predual of A with range X, as long as B does not have a direct
summand which is isometric to a space of all essentially bounded
measurable functions with values in a Hilbert space of dimension at least
two. The result is false without this restriction on B.
(This paper has appeared under the title "Existence of contractive projections on
preduals of JBW*-triples" in Israel J. Math. 182 (2011), 293-331)
Matthew Neal < >
Bernard Russo < >